Amsonia illustris - OZARK BLUESTAR
Trouble free and no maintenance perennial for sunny or half-shade garden. One of the amsonias with the richest floral display and winners of Amsonia trials at Chicago Botanical Gardens (Richard Hawke).
3' tall and wide, vase shaped clumps, blue flowers in May for 2 to 3 weeks (depending on the weather).
Glossy, dark green leaves stay healthy and ornamental for the whole season, until they shine golden yellow in the fall (green-yellow if in half-shade or light shade).
Plant doesn't flop, unless the soil is overfertilized or planted in too much shade (doesn't require fertilizer).
Full sun (the best), half shade, average soils with average moisture (medium to moist). Adaptable to many soil types, even heavier clay, but not waterlogged.
Somewhat reminds of Amsonia tabernaemontana, but the flowers are arranged in smaller clusters (3") and seedpods are pending and placed in the upper part only.
Native wildflower to Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas, hardy in zones 5 to 9.
Deer, rabbit and black walnut resistant plant. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.
Excellent plant for flower beds, rain gardens, meadows, native wildflowers or low maintenance plantings, for naturalizing.
Great combinations can be achieved with many common perennials from peonies, bearded irises, siberian irises, daylilies (Hemerocallis), grasses etc.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Picture copyright : Michael Wolf, Commons Wikipedia

Amsonia illustris - OZARK BLUESTAR
Trouble free and no maintenance perennial for sunny or half-shade garden. One of the amsonias with the richest floral display and winners of Amsonia trials at Chicago Botanical Gardens (Richard Hawke).
3' tall and wide, vase shaped clumps, blue flowers in May for 2 to 3 weeks (depending on the weather).
Glossy, dark green leaves stay healthy and ornamental for the whole season, until they shine golden yellow in the fall (green-yellow if in half-shade or light shade).
Plant doesn't flop, unless the soil is overfertilized or planted in too much shade (doesn't require fertilizer).
Full sun (the best), half shade, average soils with average moisture (medium to moist). Adaptable to many soil types, even heavier clay, but not waterlogged.
Somewhat reminds of Amsonia tabernaemontana, but the flowers are arranged in smaller clusters (3") and seedpods are pending and placed in the upper part only.
Native wildflower to Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas, hardy in zones 5 to 9.
Deer, rabbit and black walnut resistant plant. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies.
Excellent plant for flower beds, rain gardens, meadows, native wildflowers or low maintenance plantings, for naturalizing.
Great combinations can be achieved with many common perennials from peonies, bearded irises, siberian irises, daylilies (Hemerocallis), grasses etc.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Picture copyright : Michael Wolf, Commons Wikipedia