Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila 'Alba' - FAN COLUMBINE 'ALBA' (dwarf)
Dwarf, early blooming columbine with ivory/white flowers and neat gray foliage.
Grows into small mounds.
Blooming Time: April/May
Size: usually about 10" all and wide
USDA Zones: 3 to 8/9
Culture: Partial sun, partial shade, light shade, dappled sun. Average soil amended with organic matter, loamy soil, preferably moisture retentive.
Moisture: medium, medium-moist
Origin: Japan and Korea
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: some pollinators
Attracts Hummingbirds: no
Pot Size: 3.5" x 4" perennial pot (1.22 pt/580 ml)
Plant combinations: It's shorter-lived perennial, but will spread out through a new generation of seedling to fill gaps. In optimal conditions it can form colonies. This is an excellent “traveling plant” for the early stages of your newly established flower bed, as it will fill the gaps among slower-growing plants. Good for borders, woodland gardens, shaded parts rock gardens. It goes well with Anemone, Asarum, Epimedium, Helleborus, Iris cristata, Iris tectorum, woodland Phloxes (P. divaricata, P. P. stolonifera, P. bifida), Stylophorum diphyllum, Tiarella, Heuchera, and sedges, Hakonechloa, Deschampsia. In rock gardens can be combined with variety of smaller plants.
Picture copyright : NARGS (North American Rock Garden Society)

Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila 'Alba' - FAN COLUMBINE 'ALBA' (dwarf)
Dwarf, early blooming columbine with ivory/white flowers and neat gray foliage.
Grows into small mounds.
Blooming Time: April/May
Size: usually about 10" all and wide
USDA Zones: 3 to 8/9
Culture: Partial sun, partial shade, light shade, dappled sun. Average soil amended with organic matter, loamy soil, preferably moisture retentive.
Moisture: medium, medium-moist
Origin: Japan and Korea
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: some pollinators
Attracts Hummingbirds: no
Pot Size: 3.5" x 4" perennial pot (1.22 pt/580 ml)
Plant combinations: It's shorter-lived perennial, but will spread out through a new generation of seedling to fill gaps. In optimal conditions it can form colonies. This is an excellent “traveling plant” for the early stages of your newly established flower bed, as it will fill the gaps among slower-growing plants. Good for borders, woodland gardens, shaded parts rock gardens. It goes well with Anemone, Asarum, Epimedium, Helleborus, Iris cristata, Iris tectorum, woodland Phloxes (P. divaricata, P. P. stolonifera, P. bifida), Stylophorum diphyllum, Tiarella, Heuchera, and sedges, Hakonechloa, Deschampsia. In rock gardens can be combined with variety of smaller plants.
Picture copyright : NARGS (North American Rock Garden Society)