Highly ornamental native climber for attracting hummingbirds to your garden.
Deciduous plant with clusters of non-scented, scarlet/orange trumpet flowers from May to June.
8-15' tall x 3-6' wide, plants need support, otherwise they crawl on the grounds (can be used as groundcover).
Full sun to half shade, flowers more and better in full sun, loamy rich soil with average moisture (medium) are the best.
Heat and humidity tolerant plant, that is native to eastern and southeastern USA, where in grows along the roads, in thickets, rocky open woodlands. See the USDA distribution map.
Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
Deer can browse on the foliage, leaves can stay evergreen in southern states.
Flowers are cross pollinated by Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, and bring red berries that can be occasionally eaten by songbirds. It is also host plant for caterpillars of Hummingbird Clearwing, Snowberry Clearwing and Gray Scoopwing moths, and Honeysuckle Sawfly. Other insects that feed on the leaves are Honeysuckle Aphids.
Easy to grow plant, that doesn't suffer with serious pests or diseases, only mildew or some spots may develop towards the end of the season.
Great natural hummingbird feeder for average soil enriched by some compost or organic matter, best at fence posts, trellises or so.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Picture copyright : Zeynel Cebeci, Commons Wikipedia

Highly ornamental native climber for attracting hummingbirds to your garden.
Deciduous plant with clusters of non-scented, scarlet/orange trumpet flowers from May to June.
8-15' tall x 3-6' wide, plants need support, otherwise they crawl on the grounds (can be used as groundcover).
Full sun to half shade, flowers more and better in full sun, loamy rich soil with average moisture (medium) are the best.
Heat and humidity tolerant plant, that is native to eastern and southeastern USA, where in grows along the roads, in thickets, rocky open woodlands. See the USDA distribution map.
Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
Deer can browse on the foliage, leaves can stay evergreen in southern states.
Flowers are cross pollinated by Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, and bring red berries that can be occasionally eaten by songbirds. It is also host plant for caterpillars of Hummingbird Clearwing, Snowberry Clearwing and Gray Scoopwing moths, and Honeysuckle Sawfly. Other insects that feed on the leaves are Honeysuckle Aphids.
Easy to grow plant, that doesn't suffer with serious pests or diseases, only mildew or some spots may develop towards the end of the season.
Great natural hummingbird feeder for average soil enriched by some compost or organic matter, best at fence posts, trellises or so.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Picture copyright : Zeynel Cebeci, Commons Wikipedia
Customer Reviews
Lonicera Sempervirens
Another treat for the hummingbirds! This plant has grown almost three feet since I planted it, and that was after the poor thing was in the packaging pot for over a week. I couldn't decide where to put it. Very healthy plant. I hope it will absolutely cover two 6 ft fence panels.
Virgorous, healthy plant!
They arrived in great condition. I'm very pleased!