Dianthus carthusianorum - CLUSTERHEAD
Slender-looking perennial, with thin long stems and clusters of small magenta pink flowers in early summer.
1-1.5' tall x 0.5' wide, basal blue-green leaves. Flowers from June to September, but the peak is in June/July, later on flowers sporadically.
Full sun, average soil, medium-dry to dry. This plant is not fussy about the soil, but naturally prefers some drainage (rocky, sandy or leaner soils), because that is where is less competitive pressure from taller or robust plants. Heavy mulching may cause the crown rot or short life.
Originates in dry grassy habitats in European mountains and attracts honey bees, butterflies and potentially some native bees.
Hardy in zones 3 to 8.
Deer and rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant.
This perennial is just small narrow plant, that doesn't take much room, but adds nice effect of floating flowers in the planting, so it's the best to add it as little accent to sunny border, where plant can just intermingle with other common perennials and where it can self-seed into small gaps. Good companions can be more robust looking perennials or plants with bigger flowers like Achillea, Coreopsis, Echinacea, Rudbeckia, Penstemon, Salvia nemorosa, Ruellia humilis, Sedum telephium and smaller to medium sized grasses.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : US Perennials nursery
Dianthus carthusianorum - CLUSTERHEAD
Slender-looking perennial, with thin long stems and clusters of small magenta pink flowers in early summer.
1-1.5' tall x 0.5' wide, basal blue-green leaves. Flowers from June to September, but the peak is in June/July, later on flowers sporadically.
Full sun, average soil, medium-dry to dry. This plant is not fussy about the soil, but naturally prefers some drainage (rocky, sandy or leaner soils), because that is where is less competitive pressure from taller or robust plants. Heavy mulching may cause the crown rot or short life.
Originates in dry grassy habitats in European mountains and attracts honey bees, butterflies and potentially some native bees.
Hardy in zones 3 to 8.
Deer and rabbit resistant. Drought tolerant.
This perennial is just small narrow plant, that doesn't take much room, but adds nice effect of floating flowers in the planting, so it's the best to add it as little accent to sunny border, where plant can just intermingle with other common perennials and where it can self-seed into small gaps. Good companions can be more robust looking perennials or plants with bigger flowers like Achillea, Coreopsis, Echinacea, Rudbeckia, Penstemon, Salvia nemorosa, Ruellia humilis, Sedum telephium and smaller to medium sized grasses.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : US Perennials nursery