Echinacea purpurea hybrids 'Mellow Yellow' - CONEFLOWER HYBRIDS 'MELLOW YELLOW'
'Mellow Yellows' is seed strain cultivar, introduced by German seed company Jelitto in 2018.
Color varies with each plant and can be creamy, lemon and dark yellow.
The best perennial combinations include many border perennial, due to it’s rough structure, it looks very good with finer structures of grasses. This nativar can still be planted in both – drier drained soils or in medium-moist / heavier soils.
Easy to grow perennial for any sunny border or half sun. It looks awesome in prairie style borders, conventional flower beds, public spaces and gardens, small private gardens, cottage gardens, rain gardens. The possibilities of use and combinations are nearly never ending.
From native perennials lets mention at least : Agastache, Aster, Asclepias (tuberosa, sullivantii, purpurascens), Baptisia, Eupatorium, Eryngium, Gaura, Helenium, Monarda, Phlox, Rudbeckia, Solidago, Veronicastrum, with native prairie grasses like Adropogon gerardii, Eragrostis spectabilis, Panicum virgatum, Schizachyrium scoparium, Sporobolus heterolepis, …
Unforgettable combinations paired with non-native perennials such as Eryngium, Echinops, hardy Geranium, Hemerocallis, Kniphophia, Origanum, Perovskia, grasses like Pennisetum,…
If you like annuals, combine it with single colored cultivars of Cleome, Cosmos, Zinnia or Verbena bonariensis or annual grasses like Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' and others.
Blooming time: June to August
Size: 2.5" tall x 1' wide
USDA zones: 4 to 9
Culture: sun, half sun, average soil, clay soil, loam, rocky soil, drained soils
Moisture Needs: medium, medium-dry, drought tolerant once established
Origin: seed strain, Jelitto 2018
Deer/rabbit resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: attracts honey bees, potentially some butterflies and other pollinators
Attracts Hummingbirds: not observed
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep pot
Picture Copyright: Jelitto

Echinacea purpurea hybrids 'Mellow Yellow' - CONEFLOWER HYBRIDS 'MELLOW YELLOW'
'Mellow Yellows' is seed strain cultivar, introduced by German seed company Jelitto in 2018.
Color varies with each plant and can be creamy, lemon and dark yellow.
The best perennial combinations include many border perennial, due to it’s rough structure, it looks very good with finer structures of grasses. This nativar can still be planted in both – drier drained soils or in medium-moist / heavier soils.
Easy to grow perennial for any sunny border or half sun. It looks awesome in prairie style borders, conventional flower beds, public spaces and gardens, small private gardens, cottage gardens, rain gardens. The possibilities of use and combinations are nearly never ending.
From native perennials lets mention at least : Agastache, Aster, Asclepias (tuberosa, sullivantii, purpurascens), Baptisia, Eupatorium, Eryngium, Gaura, Helenium, Monarda, Phlox, Rudbeckia, Solidago, Veronicastrum, with native prairie grasses like Adropogon gerardii, Eragrostis spectabilis, Panicum virgatum, Schizachyrium scoparium, Sporobolus heterolepis, …
Unforgettable combinations paired with non-native perennials such as Eryngium, Echinops, hardy Geranium, Hemerocallis, Kniphophia, Origanum, Perovskia, grasses like Pennisetum,…
If you like annuals, combine it with single colored cultivars of Cleome, Cosmos, Zinnia or Verbena bonariensis or annual grasses like Pennisetum setaceum 'Rubrum' and others.
Blooming time: June to August
Size: 2.5" tall x 1' wide
USDA zones: 4 to 9
Culture: sun, half sun, average soil, clay soil, loam, rocky soil, drained soils
Moisture Needs: medium, medium-dry, drought tolerant once established
Origin: seed strain, Jelitto 2018
Deer/rabbit resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: attracts honey bees, potentially some butterflies and other pollinators
Attracts Hummingbirds: not observed
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep pot
Picture Copyright: Jelitto