Erigeron pulchellus - ROBIN'S PLANTAIN
Underused smaller native groundcover with fairly big flowers. Best in leaner, less fertile soils and somewhat drained soils.
12-16" tall x 24" wide clumps, basal leaves grow very densely and form ground covering mat. Flowers in May to June, each flower is about 1" in diameter. Flowering stems die back, the the leaves persist.
Full sun, half shade, average to well drained soils (gritty, rocky, gravelly, sandy). Doesn't perform the best in highly amended and rich soils.
Tolerates (drier) clay. Don't plant in waterlogged soils.
Hardy in zones 3 to 8.
Heat, humidity and drought tolerant.
Mammals do graze the leaves. Flowers offer nectar and pollen to native bees, but attract also various flies, small butterflies, skippers and plants are host to larvae of several moths. Seeds are eaten by small mammals.
Native to South, Southeast, Midwest and Northwest of USA, see the BONAP distribution map. Can be found on mostly undisturbed soils in open rocky woodlands, savannas, sandy dunes and savannas, slopes, banks - usually close by to some tree shade.
Can be used as wildflower that naturalizes in meadow or lawn or can be planted in rock garden, edge or front of rock garden, in butterfly or pollinator garden, smaller beds or as groundcover in smaller areas.
Combine with shorter and smaller drought tolerant plants and grasses.
Good companions van be Achillea millefolium (wild and cultivars), Asclepias tuberosa, Dalea, Echinacea purpurea cultivars, smaller or medium sized bearded Iris, Lavandula, Nepeta x faasenii cultivars, Origanum vulgare and cultivars, Paeonia, Penstemon, shorter Rudbeckia, Salvia, Salvia nemorosa, Stachys ( 'Humello', 'Summer Romance', 'Pink Cotton Candy'), Sedum, Thymus, Satureja, and many others.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : 1 - Panayoti Kelaidis, Prairiebreak Blog

Erigeron pulchellus - ROBIN'S PLANTAIN
Underused smaller native groundcover with fairly big flowers. Best in leaner, less fertile soils and somewhat drained soils.
12-16" tall x 24" wide clumps, basal leaves grow very densely and form ground covering mat. Flowers in May to June, each flower is about 1" in diameter. Flowering stems die back, the the leaves persist.
Full sun, half shade, average to well drained soils (gritty, rocky, gravelly, sandy). Doesn't perform the best in highly amended and rich soils.
Tolerates (drier) clay. Don't plant in waterlogged soils.
Hardy in zones 3 to 8.
Heat, humidity and drought tolerant.
Mammals do graze the leaves. Flowers offer nectar and pollen to native bees, but attract also various flies, small butterflies, skippers and plants are host to larvae of several moths. Seeds are eaten by small mammals.
Native to South, Southeast, Midwest and Northwest of USA, see the BONAP distribution map. Can be found on mostly undisturbed soils in open rocky woodlands, savannas, sandy dunes and savannas, slopes, banks - usually close by to some tree shade.
Can be used as wildflower that naturalizes in meadow or lawn or can be planted in rock garden, edge or front of rock garden, in butterfly or pollinator garden, smaller beds or as groundcover in smaller areas.
Combine with shorter and smaller drought tolerant plants and grasses.
Good companions van be Achillea millefolium (wild and cultivars), Asclepias tuberosa, Dalea, Echinacea purpurea cultivars, smaller or medium sized bearded Iris, Lavandula, Nepeta x faasenii cultivars, Origanum vulgare and cultivars, Paeonia, Penstemon, shorter Rudbeckia, Salvia, Salvia nemorosa, Stachys ( 'Humello', 'Summer Romance', 'Pink Cotton Candy'), Sedum, Thymus, Satureja, and many others.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : 1 - Panayoti Kelaidis, Prairiebreak Blog
Customer Reviews
Robyn’s plantain
Plants all arrived healthy and ready to grow in their new garden! Perfect!!