Euphorbia myrsinites - MYRTLE SPURGE
Low, sprawling perennial with gray leaves and yellow-green flowers. Suitable for rock garden or front of dry flower bed.
Award of Garden Merit by RHS (UK).
6-12" tall x 12-24" wide clumps of evergreen leaves (stems may die back in harsh winters up to the crown). Flowers in mid to late spring.
Full sun, half sun, dry and drained soils - sandy, rocky, gritty, gravelly soils, shallow or leaner soils. Tolerates air pollution.
Native to Southeastern Europe and Asia Minor.
Suitable for zones 5-8 (heat zones 5 to 10).
The whole plant is toxic, milk often causes skin and eye irritation (handle with gloves). Deer and rabbits avoid it.
Trouble free smaller plant that seeds freely (if not dead-headed), shorter-lived perennial in hot climate. This plant is invasive in semi-desert or dry western states.
Suitable only for dry or drained soil, for the edges, edges of retaining walls, troughs, crevice gardens, big containers, gravel gardens, xeriscapes, Mediterranean gardens.
Combine with drought resistant perennials and smaller grasses.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Pictures copyright : US Perennials nursery

Euphorbia myrsinites - MYRTLE SPURGE
Low, sprawling perennial with gray leaves and yellow-green flowers. Suitable for rock garden or front of dry flower bed.
Award of Garden Merit by RHS (UK).
6-12" tall x 12-24" wide clumps of evergreen leaves (stems may die back in harsh winters up to the crown). Flowers in mid to late spring.
Full sun, half sun, dry and drained soils - sandy, rocky, gritty, gravelly soils, shallow or leaner soils. Tolerates air pollution.
Native to Southeastern Europe and Asia Minor.
Suitable for zones 5-8 (heat zones 5 to 10).
The whole plant is toxic, milk often causes skin and eye irritation (handle with gloves). Deer and rabbits avoid it.
Trouble free smaller plant that seeds freely (if not dead-headed), shorter-lived perennial in hot climate. This plant is invasive in semi-desert or dry western states.
Suitable only for dry or drained soil, for the edges, edges of retaining walls, troughs, crevice gardens, big containers, gravel gardens, xeriscapes, Mediterranean gardens.
Combine with drought resistant perennials and smaller grasses.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Pictures copyright : US Perennials nursery