Gypsophila repens 'Rosea'- CREEPING BABY'S BREATH 'ROSEA'
Low-mat forming, creeping perennial for sunny and drained soil.
About 4-5" tall x 12" wide clumps, small grayish leaves, star-shaped soft pink flowers in May to May/June. In the peak, plants are covered with flowers.
Full sun, half sun, drained alkaline soils with average moisture to dry. Sandy, gritty, gravelly, rocky soils or amended drained soils. Drought tolerant.
Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
Native to mountains of central and southern Europe, where it grows on dry chalky slopes.
Deer and rabbit resistant, attracts some butterflies and honeybees.
Suitable for front of dry bed, wall edges, dry walls, rock garden, crevice gardens, troughs, xeriscape. Looks great with rocks.
To reveal it's delicate beauty, combine with more robust structures (bigger-leaved, but shorter perennials) like Campanula poscharskyana, Coreopsis pubescens, Coreopsis major, Erigeron pulchellus, Geranium sanquineum, bearded Iris (small or shorter cultivars), Euphorpbia (E. myrsnites, E. rigida), Liatris 'Kobold', Limonium latifolium, Stachys (Stachys byzantina), Monarda bradburiana, Penstemon, Origanum vulgare, Salvia nemorosa hybrids and smaller to medium sized grasses.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : US Perennials

Gypsophila repens 'Rosea'- CREEPING BABY'S BREATH 'ROSEA'
Low-mat forming, creeping perennial for sunny and drained soil.
About 4-5" tall x 12" wide clumps, small grayish leaves, star-shaped soft pink flowers in May to May/June. In the peak, plants are covered with flowers.
Full sun, half sun, drained alkaline soils with average moisture to dry. Sandy, gritty, gravelly, rocky soils or amended drained soils. Drought tolerant.
Hardy in zones 4 to 9.
Native to mountains of central and southern Europe, where it grows on dry chalky slopes.
Deer and rabbit resistant, attracts some butterflies and honeybees.
Suitable for front of dry bed, wall edges, dry walls, rock garden, crevice gardens, troughs, xeriscape. Looks great with rocks.
To reveal it's delicate beauty, combine with more robust structures (bigger-leaved, but shorter perennials) like Campanula poscharskyana, Coreopsis pubescens, Coreopsis major, Erigeron pulchellus, Geranium sanquineum, bearded Iris (small or shorter cultivars), Euphorpbia (E. myrsnites, E. rigida), Liatris 'Kobold', Limonium latifolium, Stachys (Stachys byzantina), Monarda bradburiana, Penstemon, Origanum vulgare, Salvia nemorosa hybrids and smaller to medium sized grasses.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : US Perennials