Nepeta x faasenii 'Junior Walker' - CATMINT 'JUNIOR WALKER' (compact & heavily blooming)
Sterile, very prolific bloomer and much smaller than it's parent 'Walker's Low'.
Forms low, compact and wide clumps. Small pale lavender-blue flowers for the whole season.
Drought tolerant once established.
Blooming Time: May - September (with less blooms during hot summer months)
Size: 14-16" tall x 30" wide
USDA Zones: 4 to 9
Culture: full sun; half sun, half shade, but best in full sun. Average soils to well-drained soils, chalk, loam, sandy soils, clayish, very adaptable. Avoid wet and waterlogged soils.
Moisture Needs: average (medium) to medium-dry
Origin: derives from famous robust 'Walker's Low', after being exposed to gamma ray treatment in Nova Flora in Pennsylvania. Bearing the name of Motown musicia. Sold under Junior WalkerTM (trademark) or as 'Junior Walker', but the true cultivar name is technical name 'Novanepjun', patented plant under PP23074
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes / yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: yes / yes
Attracts Hummingbirds: not verified, pos. yes
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep
Picture Copyright: Leonora (Ellie) Enking, Flickr
Plant Combinations: Can be combined with many common perennials with similar needs = full sun and average to drier soils. Great size suggests using this plant in the front of the bed, along the path or patios. Traditionally good contrasting combos include yellow and orange - Achillea, Asclepias tuberosa, most of Coreopsis, Echinacea (yellow, orange and reddish-orange cultivars), Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Oenothera, Rudbeckia, Solidago, or Stokesia laevis 'Mary Gregory'. Otherwise it goes well and looks well with anything with slightly more rough structure (bigger leaves, flowers, grassy leaves, etc) and with many shorter or medium-sized grases.

Nepeta x faasenii 'Junior Walker' - CATMINT 'JUNIOR WALKER' (compact & heavily blooming)
Sterile, very prolific bloomer and much smaller than it's parent 'Walker's Low'.
Forms low, compact and wide clumps. Small pale lavender-blue flowers for the whole season.
Drought tolerant once established.
Blooming Time: May - September (with less blooms during hot summer months)
Size: 14-16" tall x 30" wide
USDA Zones: 4 to 9
Culture: full sun; half sun, half shade, but best in full sun. Average soils to well-drained soils, chalk, loam, sandy soils, clayish, very adaptable. Avoid wet and waterlogged soils.
Moisture Needs: average (medium) to medium-dry
Origin: derives from famous robust 'Walker's Low', after being exposed to gamma ray treatment in Nova Flora in Pennsylvania. Bearing the name of Motown musicia. Sold under Junior WalkerTM (trademark) or as 'Junior Walker', but the true cultivar name is technical name 'Novanepjun', patented plant under PP23074
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes / yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: yes / yes
Attracts Hummingbirds: not verified, pos. yes
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep
Picture Copyright: Leonora (Ellie) Enking, Flickr
Plant Combinations: Can be combined with many common perennials with similar needs = full sun and average to drier soils. Great size suggests using this plant in the front of the bed, along the path or patios. Traditionally good contrasting combos include yellow and orange - Achillea, Asclepias tuberosa, most of Coreopsis, Echinacea (yellow, orange and reddish-orange cultivars), Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Oenothera, Rudbeckia, Solidago, or Stokesia laevis 'Mary Gregory'. Otherwise it goes well and looks well with anything with slightly more rough structure (bigger leaves, flowers, grassy leaves, etc) and with many shorter or medium-sized grases.