Oenothera berlandieri 'Siskiyou Pink' - MEXICAN EVENING PRIMROSE 'SISKIYOU PINK'
Very long time blooming perennial, native to Texas and New Mexico, but still pretty hardy (zones 5 to 8).
12'" tall and up to 18" wide, 2" big, soft pale pink flowers. This is spreading perennial, with a bit ground covering growth, less aggressive and slower than Oenothera speciosa, but still pretty fast, so in ideal conditions can become a thug (especially on sandy soils). Generally this is "shorter and less aggressive Oe. speciosa"....
Blooms from May to July, for several weeks. Ideally full sun, average, medium moist, but drained soil.
It tolerates some little shade, drought, or dry infertile or poor soil, but performs and looks the best with some moisture. Attracts sphinx moths, small butterflies, native bees, bumblebees and occasionally hummingbirds too.
For sunny borders, drier slopes, low maintenance gardens, deer resistant plantings, xeriscape, for naturalization in drier meadows and beds. The best in places, where spreading is allowed and appreciated.
Looks good with perennials like hardy Geraniums, taller Nepeta (e.x. N. faasenii 'Six Hills Giant'), Penstemons, Salvia nemorosa and Salvia x sylvestris hybrids, Stachys 'Hummelo' Tradescantia, Veronica hybrids, Yucca, bearded irises and many medium to bigger grasses. Allow some spreading!
Pot Size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot

Oenothera berlandieri 'Siskiyou Pink' - MEXICAN EVENING PRIMROSE 'SISKIYOU PINK'
Very long time blooming perennial, native to Texas and New Mexico, but still pretty hardy (zones 5 to 8).
12'" tall and up to 18" wide, 2" big, soft pale pink flowers. This is spreading perennial, with a bit ground covering growth, less aggressive and slower than Oenothera speciosa, but still pretty fast, so in ideal conditions can become a thug (especially on sandy soils). Generally this is "shorter and less aggressive Oe. speciosa"....
Blooms from May to July, for several weeks. Ideally full sun, average, medium moist, but drained soil.
It tolerates some little shade, drought, or dry infertile or poor soil, but performs and looks the best with some moisture. Attracts sphinx moths, small butterflies, native bees, bumblebees and occasionally hummingbirds too.
For sunny borders, drier slopes, low maintenance gardens, deer resistant plantings, xeriscape, for naturalization in drier meadows and beds. The best in places, where spreading is allowed and appreciated.
Looks good with perennials like hardy Geraniums, taller Nepeta (e.x. N. faasenii 'Six Hills Giant'), Penstemons, Salvia nemorosa and Salvia x sylvestris hybrids, Stachys 'Hummelo' Tradescantia, Veronica hybrids, Yucca, bearded irises and many medium to bigger grasses. Allow some spreading!
Pot Size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot