Oenothera perennis - LITTLE EVENING PRIMROSE
Cute little wildflower, with regular mounds covered by small, pinkie-nail size yellow flowers.
Usually forms clumps about 1' tall and wide, small partially-evergreen leaves. Flowers continuously from May to August, with the peak in early to mid summer - when the plants is covered with flowers. Flowers close for night and open during the day.
Full sun, somewhat drained soil, medium moist to medium-dry.
Native to eastern part of USA, see the USDA distribution map for more detailed information. Naturally occurs in sandy or gravelly prairies, open woodlands on medium moist to medium-dry soil.
Other scientific name is Oenothera pumila - Small Sundrops.
Hardy in zones 4-9. Can be browsed by the deer.
Attracts native bees, skippers, and butterflies, host for caterpillars of three moths. Seed can be occasionally eaten by goldfinch.
Best for front of flower bed (average garden to drained or sandy soils), rock gardens, pollinator gardens, bigger containers. If it self seeds too much, it's easy to pull.
Picture copyright : Babij, Flickr
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Oenothera perennis - LITTLE EVENING PRIMROSE
Cute little wildflower, with regular mounds covered by small, pinkie-nail size yellow flowers.
Usually forms clumps about 1' tall and wide, small partially-evergreen leaves. Flowers continuously from May to August, with the peak in early to mid summer - when the plants is covered with flowers. Flowers close for night and open during the day.
Full sun, somewhat drained soil, medium moist to medium-dry.
Native to eastern part of USA, see the USDA distribution map for more detailed information. Naturally occurs in sandy or gravelly prairies, open woodlands on medium moist to medium-dry soil.
Other scientific name is Oenothera pumila - Small Sundrops.
Hardy in zones 4-9. Can be browsed by the deer.
Attracts native bees, skippers, and butterflies, host for caterpillars of three moths. Seed can be occasionally eaten by goldfinch.
Best for front of flower bed (average garden to drained or sandy soils), rock gardens, pollinator gardens, bigger containers. If it self seeds too much, it's easy to pull.
Picture copyright : Babij, Flickr
Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot