Parthenium auriculatum - GLADE WILD QUININE
Native perennial, rare in cultivation, flowering for all season, for drier or drained soils.
Reminds of more common P. integrifolium, but it is much shorter, only about 1.5' tall and 1' wide, leaves are also more fuzzy and look more gray. Small white flowers without traditional petals look like "dry" = so they don't decline and look great for a very long period, but plants send new flowering shoots for the most of the season. Other scientific name is Parthenium integrifolium ssp. auriculatum (which describes the similarity).
Blooms from June/July till frosts.
Full sun to half shade, soil that drains well with average moisture (medium) to dry. Rocky, gritty, sandy, gravely, shallow or any drained soil.
Plants naturally occur in xeric areas, in dry, open forests, woodlands, barrens, and clearings over basic rocks (dolomitic, mafic, and ultramafic).
Hardy in zones 5/6 to 8/9, at least.
Deer and rabbits avoid it (sand paper leaves with bitterness), flowers attracts small native bees, flies and wasps.
Tolerates black walnuts.
Best in dry beds, rock gardens, gravel gardens, sand beds, xeriscape, water wise plantings, traffic island, shallower soils.
Very modest, tough, resilient, drought, heat and humidity tolerant plant for drained soils. Combine with drought tolerant plants with fine leaves and structures like Achillea 'Moonshine', Achillea milleflium hybrids, Agastache (Kudos series, 'Rosie Posie' etc.), Allium 'Summer Beauty' and other summer blooming perennial Allium, Asclepias verticillata, Asclepias tuberosa, Asteromea mongolica, Calamintha nepete, Callirhoe, Coreopsis verticillata, Echinacea, Dianthus, Gaura, Monarda punctata, Monarda bradburiana, Knautia macedonica, Iris x barbata 'Nana' , Iris tectorum, Limonium, shorter Liatris, Nepeta x faasenii hybrids, Origanum, Penstemon, creeping Phloxes (Phlox subulata, Phlox nivalis, Phlox bifida and all hybrids), Rudbeckia missouriensis, Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush' or 'Little Susie', Ruellia humilis, Salvia, Sedum, Sisyrinchium, Thymus, Stachys 'Humello', Stokesia, Veronica spicata or creeping veronica, and grasses like Bouteloua, Muhlenbergia, Koeleria cristata, schizachyrium scoparium, Sporolobolus.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : US Perennials

Parthenium auriculatum - GLADE WILD QUININE
Native perennial, rare in cultivation, flowering for all season, for drier or drained soils.
Reminds of more common P. integrifolium, but it is much shorter, only about 1.5' tall and 1' wide, leaves are also more fuzzy and look more gray. Small white flowers without traditional petals look like "dry" = so they don't decline and look great for a very long period, but plants send new flowering shoots for the most of the season. Other scientific name is Parthenium integrifolium ssp. auriculatum (which describes the similarity).
Blooms from June/July till frosts.
Full sun to half shade, soil that drains well with average moisture (medium) to dry. Rocky, gritty, sandy, gravely, shallow or any drained soil.
Plants naturally occur in xeric areas, in dry, open forests, woodlands, barrens, and clearings over basic rocks (dolomitic, mafic, and ultramafic).
Hardy in zones 5/6 to 8/9, at least.
Deer and rabbits avoid it (sand paper leaves with bitterness), flowers attracts small native bees, flies and wasps.
Tolerates black walnuts.
Best in dry beds, rock gardens, gravel gardens, sand beds, xeriscape, water wise plantings, traffic island, shallower soils.
Very modest, tough, resilient, drought, heat and humidity tolerant plant for drained soils. Combine with drought tolerant plants with fine leaves and structures like Achillea 'Moonshine', Achillea milleflium hybrids, Agastache (Kudos series, 'Rosie Posie' etc.), Allium 'Summer Beauty' and other summer blooming perennial Allium, Asclepias verticillata, Asclepias tuberosa, Asteromea mongolica, Calamintha nepete, Callirhoe, Coreopsis verticillata, Echinacea, Dianthus, Gaura, Monarda punctata, Monarda bradburiana, Knautia macedonica, Iris x barbata 'Nana' , Iris tectorum, Limonium, shorter Liatris, Nepeta x faasenii hybrids, Origanum, Penstemon, creeping Phloxes (Phlox subulata, Phlox nivalis, Phlox bifida and all hybrids), Rudbeckia missouriensis, Rudbeckia hirta, Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush' or 'Little Susie', Ruellia humilis, Salvia, Sedum, Sisyrinchium, Thymus, Stachys 'Humello', Stokesia, Veronica spicata or creeping veronica, and grasses like Bouteloua, Muhlenbergia, Koeleria cristata, schizachyrium scoparium, Sporolobolus.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep pot
Picture copyright : US Perennials
Customer Reviews
Healthy plants
The Glade Wild Quinine I received are healthy, green, flourishing plants with well-developed roots. I'm looking forward to seeing them bloom next year. We are in the midst of a very dry autumn--I hope they will weather it well.
Amazing (first year in the ground)
As a preface I will say that I've grown the related Parthenium integrifolium for 6 years, and it's a plant I like quite a bit. But this glade wild quinine outperformed it it's first year in the ground. This has added interest basically from the day that I put it in the ground. In my yard the Partheniums are great for contrasting with other plants. Some low growers can have an awkward structure, but this plant has really done well. I'd definitely recommended it for spots with good drainage.