Phlomis russeliana - JERUSALEM SAGE
Excellent vertical flowering plant for dry, sunny or partially-shaded areas. The big, fuzzy leaves are gray-green, stay at the ground level and are evergreen. The upright eye-catching stems are topped with bare clusters of big pale yellow flowers. Phlomis grows quite quickly, but it’s not an invasive plant. It is a good and reliable ground cover perennial and easy to grow plant.
Attracts bees, and birds feed on the seeds. Attractive non-native, but not invasive, perennial for light dry shade or semi-shade, drier borders, dry soils, wild gardens and low maintenance gardens or big rock gardens. Flowers can be used as cut flowers or dry seed heads for arrangements. Looks great combined with blue flowers of Nepeta, but can be combined with many drought tolerant perennials.
Blooming Time: June–July
Size: 3' high x 2' & wide-spreading
USDA Zones: 4 to 8
Culture: Sun to half shade, best if grown in drained soils (sandy, rocky components) or also under the canopy in dry, lighter shade in roots of shrubs or trees
Moisture Needs: medium to medium-dry and dry
Origin: native to open woods and clearings in Turkey and Syria, non-native in North America
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: bees and butterflies
Attracts Hummingbirds: no
Pot Size: 3.5" x 4" perennial pot (1.22 pt/580 ml)

Phlomis russeliana - JERUSALEM SAGE
Excellent vertical flowering plant for dry, sunny or partially-shaded areas. The big, fuzzy leaves are gray-green, stay at the ground level and are evergreen. The upright eye-catching stems are topped with bare clusters of big pale yellow flowers. Phlomis grows quite quickly, but it’s not an invasive plant. It is a good and reliable ground cover perennial and easy to grow plant.
Attracts bees, and birds feed on the seeds. Attractive non-native, but not invasive, perennial for light dry shade or semi-shade, drier borders, dry soils, wild gardens and low maintenance gardens or big rock gardens. Flowers can be used as cut flowers or dry seed heads for arrangements. Looks great combined with blue flowers of Nepeta, but can be combined with many drought tolerant perennials.
Blooming Time: June–July
Size: 3' high x 2' & wide-spreading
USDA Zones: 4 to 8
Culture: Sun to half shade, best if grown in drained soils (sandy, rocky components) or also under the canopy in dry, lighter shade in roots of shrubs or trees
Moisture Needs: medium to medium-dry and dry
Origin: native to open woods and clearings in Turkey and Syria, non-native in North America
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: bees and butterflies
Attracts Hummingbirds: no
Pot Size: 3.5" x 4" perennial pot (1.22 pt/580 ml)
Customer Reviews
Another Winner
Beautiful healthy plants, look like they will bloom this year. Very well packed, not one leaf out of place!!
phloxes russeliana
I purchased this locally in July, when we were experiencing drought and daily temperatures in the 90s. This and the other plants I bought were in great condition when I took them home, and are all doing well now after making it through the severe weather.