Phlox divaricata 'May Breeze' - WOODLAND PHLOX 'MAY BREEZE'
Selection from famous landscape architect and plantsman Piet Oudolf with pure white flowers in early spring.
12-15" tall x 12" wide clumps of partially evergreen leaves, saucer shaped fragrant white flowers (sometimes the buds and old fading petals have lavender blush). Grows into small mounds with somewhat groundcovering habit (especially in the first half of the season).
Half shade, dappled shade, light shade, average soil, but appreciates some organic matter or mulch. Average moisture (medium-moist, medium, medium-dry), established plants tolerate some droughts. Phlox 'May Breeze' will grove well in part sun, if the moisture is consistent.
Flowers (May) attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Deer avoid it, but it's nibbled by rabbits.
Hardy in zone 4 to 8.
Easy to grow perennial for shade or woodland garden, great combinations are with Brunnera, Epimedium, Heuchera, Hosta, Lamium, Primula, Polygonatum, Persicaria, Tiarella,...and spring ephemerals like Trillium, Sanquinaria, Mertensia, Uvularia and grasses like Carex (especially the fine-leaved Carex) or Hakonechloa.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep perennial pot
Pictures copyright : US Perennials nursery

Phlox divaricata 'May Breeze' - WOODLAND PHLOX 'MAY BREEZE'
Selection from famous landscape architect and plantsman Piet Oudolf with pure white flowers in early spring.
12-15" tall x 12" wide clumps of partially evergreen leaves, saucer shaped fragrant white flowers (sometimes the buds and old fading petals have lavender blush). Grows into small mounds with somewhat groundcovering habit (especially in the first half of the season).
Half shade, dappled shade, light shade, average soil, but appreciates some organic matter or mulch. Average moisture (medium-moist, medium, medium-dry), established plants tolerate some droughts. Phlox 'May Breeze' will grove well in part sun, if the moisture is consistent.
Flowers (May) attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Deer avoid it, but it's nibbled by rabbits.
Hardy in zone 4 to 8.
Easy to grow perennial for shade or woodland garden, great combinations are with Brunnera, Epimedium, Heuchera, Hosta, Lamium, Primula, Polygonatum, Persicaria, Tiarella,...and spring ephemerals like Trillium, Sanquinaria, Mertensia, Uvularia and grasses like Carex (especially the fine-leaved Carex) or Hakonechloa.
Pot size : square 3.5" x 5" deep perennial pot
Pictures copyright : US Perennials nursery