Physostegia virginiana 'Miss Manners' - OBEDIENT PLANT 'MISS MANNERS' (non spreading)
Cultivar 'Miss Manners' was discovered as a natural seedling of Physostegia virginiana 'Rosea'.
It's magic is in it's non-spreading, clump-forming habit, neat compact growth, sturdy upright stems that do not flop and long season of bloom.
Grows usually up to to 2.5' tall and wide, blooms from June to September with spikes of white flowers (about 8" long). Rhizomes are very short and plants do not spread. Performs well in any average soil, or heavier soils, with average moisture to moist (slightly wet) soils. Surprisingly can handle well summer droughts (especially on heavier soils).
Deer and clay tolerant perennial, hardy in zones 3-9. Deer resistant plant. It should still be enough attractive for hummingbirds.
U.S. Plant Patent PP12,637 since 2002.
Ideal plant for flower beds, cottage gardens, prairie style plantings, pond banks, moist woodland edges.
Picture copyright : David J. Stang, Commons Wikipedia
Pot Size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Physostegia virginiana 'Miss Manners' - OBEDIENT PLANT 'MISS MANNERS' (non spreading)
Cultivar 'Miss Manners' was discovered as a natural seedling of Physostegia virginiana 'Rosea'.
It's magic is in it's non-spreading, clump-forming habit, neat compact growth, sturdy upright stems that do not flop and long season of bloom.
Grows usually up to to 2.5' tall and wide, blooms from June to September with spikes of white flowers (about 8" long). Rhizomes are very short and plants do not spread. Performs well in any average soil, or heavier soils, with average moisture to moist (slightly wet) soils. Surprisingly can handle well summer droughts (especially on heavier soils).
Deer and clay tolerant perennial, hardy in zones 3-9. Deer resistant plant. It should still be enough attractive for hummingbirds.
U.S. Plant Patent PP12,637 since 2002.
Ideal plant for flower beds, cottage gardens, prairie style plantings, pond banks, moist woodland edges.
Picture copyright : David J. Stang, Commons Wikipedia
Pot Size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot