Salvia x greggii 'Diane' - AUTUMN SAGE 'DIANE'
Shorter and more compact cultivar with more regular mounds.
Small reddish-purple flowers.
Attracts hummingbirds and some bees.
Low maintenance plant - cut back 1/2 to 2/3 in winter or pre-spring.
Blooming Time: depending on your zone - in warmer zones starts in early/mid spring, continues throughout the summer till fall. Generally blooms for about 6 months, with a break during the summer peak
Size: 3-4' tall and wide
USDA Zones: 7a-10b
Culture: full sun, half sun, average soil with some organic matter, moderatelly fertile to loam, well drained soil contributes to better winter hardiness in 6/7 zones. Benefits from winter protection (leaves, heavy mulch, covered with box or bucket or taken inside a garage) or can be grown as an annual if left without protection. Once establishhed drought tolerant!
Moisture Needs: dry, medium-dry, medium (average) is the best, tolerates seasonal wet (rainy) periods
Origin: Salvia greggii is native to to a long, narrow area from southwest Texas, through the Chihuahuan Desert and into the Mexican state (San Luis Potosi), typically gcan be found in rocky soils at elevations from 5,000 to 9,000 ft.
Black walnut tolerant: yes
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes / yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: yes
Attracts Hummingbirds: yes
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Plant combinations: Flower beds, cottage gardens, naturalistic, tropical, eclectic gardens, deer resistant plantings, naturalistic gardens, hummingbird gardens or in larger conatiners on patios, etc.
You can use it with plants requiring drier or average conditions. Looks great with the blue or purple colors of Agastache, Catanache caerulea, Eryngium, Nepeta, Linum lewisii, Platycodon, Scabiosa, Veronica or reblooming Salvia nemorosa hybrids. But can be combined with many plants on the average to drought tolerant scale like Achillea, Artemisia, Aster, Echinacea, Paeonia, bearded Iris, Perovskia, Sedum and medium to taller grasses (Muhlenbergia, Panicum, Pennisetum, Sporobolus, Schizachyrium). But also goes well with plants that appreciate more moisture like Amsonia, Baptisia, Coreopsis, Hemerocallis (daylily), Lilium (lily), Stachys, Vernonia or tropical plants.
Picture copyright: US Perennials

Salvia x greggii 'Diane' - AUTUMN SAGE 'DIANE'
Shorter and more compact cultivar with more regular mounds.
Small reddish-purple flowers.
Attracts hummingbirds and some bees.
Low maintenance plant - cut back 1/2 to 2/3 in winter or pre-spring.
Blooming Time: depending on your zone - in warmer zones starts in early/mid spring, continues throughout the summer till fall. Generally blooms for about 6 months, with a break during the summer peak
Size: 3-4' tall and wide
USDA Zones: 7a-10b
Culture: full sun, half sun, average soil with some organic matter, moderatelly fertile to loam, well drained soil contributes to better winter hardiness in 6/7 zones. Benefits from winter protection (leaves, heavy mulch, covered with box or bucket or taken inside a garage) or can be grown as an annual if left without protection. Once establishhed drought tolerant!
Moisture Needs: dry, medium-dry, medium (average) is the best, tolerates seasonal wet (rainy) periods
Origin: Salvia greggii is native to to a long, narrow area from southwest Texas, through the Chihuahuan Desert and into the Mexican state (San Luis Potosi), typically gcan be found in rocky soils at elevations from 5,000 to 9,000 ft.
Black walnut tolerant: yes
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes / yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: yes
Attracts Hummingbirds: yes
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Plant combinations: Flower beds, cottage gardens, naturalistic, tropical, eclectic gardens, deer resistant plantings, naturalistic gardens, hummingbird gardens or in larger conatiners on patios, etc.
You can use it with plants requiring drier or average conditions. Looks great with the blue or purple colors of Agastache, Catanache caerulea, Eryngium, Nepeta, Linum lewisii, Platycodon, Scabiosa, Veronica or reblooming Salvia nemorosa hybrids. But can be combined with many plants on the average to drought tolerant scale like Achillea, Artemisia, Aster, Echinacea, Paeonia, bearded Iris, Perovskia, Sedum and medium to taller grasses (Muhlenbergia, Panicum, Pennisetum, Sporobolus, Schizachyrium). But also goes well with plants that appreciate more moisture like Amsonia, Baptisia, Coreopsis, Hemerocallis (daylily), Lilium (lily), Stachys, Vernonia or tropical plants.
Picture copyright: US Perennials