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Satureja montana ssp. illyrica - PURPLE WINTER SAVORY

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Smaller sister of winter savory, with purple flowers and low cushions only 6" tall and 12-14" wide. Native to Western Balkan peninsula.

Stiff evergreen leaves, shrubby-woody base, blooms in August/September. The whole plant is aromatic (strong pungent-peppery fragrance) and can be used as herb to season beans, meat or other dishes.

Full sun to half shade, prefers alkaline and somewhat drained soils or shallow soils (some sand, gravel, rocky or gritty amendment is useful). Medium moist (average moisture), medium-dry to dry soils.

Attract honeybees and other small bees and butterflies.

Hardy in zones 3/4 to 8.

Deer and rabbit resistant.

Easy to grow and quite showy plant, best in drier sunny beds, rock gardens, xeriscape, herb gardens or bigger containers. Cut back about 1/3 to 1/2 for better shape or fresh growth. In good condition quite long-lived plant.

Combine with drought tolerant perennials and grasses like Achillea ('Moonshine', A. millefolium hybrids), Agastache (Kudos series, 'Rosie Posie' etc.), Allium 'Summer Beauty' and other summer blooming perennial Allium, Asclepias verticillata, Asclepias tuberosa, Asteromea mongolica, Calamintha nepeta, Callirhoe, Coreopsis, Echinacea, Dianthus, Gaura, Monarda (punctata, bradburiana), Knautia, Iris x barbata (bearded Iris), Limonium, Liatris, Nepeta x faasenii hybrids, Penstemon, creeping Phloxes, Rudbeckia (missouriensis, fulgida var. deamii, 'American Gold Rush' or 'Little Susie'), Ruellia humilis, Salvia, Sedum, Sisyrinchium, Stachys 'Humello', Stokesia, Veronica spicata or creeping veronica, and grasses like Bouteloua, Festuca, Muhlenbergia, Koeleria cristata, schizachyrium scoparium, Sporolobolus or Stipa.

Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot

Picture copyright : Ghislain118, Commons Wikipedia

Satureja montana ssp. illyrica - PURPLE WINTER SAVORY


Smaller sister of winter savory, with purple flowers and low cushions only 6" tall and 12-14" wide. Native to Western Balkan peninsula.

Stiff evergreen leaves, shrubby-woody base, blooms in August/September. The whole plant is aromatic (strong pungent-peppery fragrance) and can be used as herb to season beans, meat or other dishes.

Full sun to half shade, prefers alkaline and somewhat drained soils or shallow soils (some sand, gravel, rocky or gritty amendment is useful). Medium moist (average moisture), medium-dry to dry soils.

Attract honeybees and other small bees and butterflies.

Hardy in zones 3/4 to 8.

Deer and rabbit resistant.

Easy to grow and quite showy plant, best in drier sunny beds, rock gardens, xeriscape, herb gardens or bigger containers. Cut back about 1/3 to 1/2 for better shape or fresh growth. In good condition quite long-lived plant.

Combine with drought tolerant perennials and grasses like Achillea ('Moonshine', A. millefolium hybrids), Agastache (Kudos series, 'Rosie Posie' etc.), Allium 'Summer Beauty' and other summer blooming perennial Allium, Asclepias verticillata, Asclepias tuberosa, Asteromea mongolica, Calamintha nepeta, Callirhoe, Coreopsis, Echinacea, Dianthus, Gaura, Monarda (punctata, bradburiana), Knautia, Iris x barbata (bearded Iris), Limonium, Liatris, Nepeta x faasenii hybrids, Penstemon, creeping Phloxes, Rudbeckia (missouriensis, fulgida var. deamii, 'American Gold Rush' or 'Little Susie'), Ruellia humilis, Salvia, Sedum, Sisyrinchium, Stachys 'Humello', Stokesia, Veronica spicata or creeping veronica, and grasses like Bouteloua, Festuca, Muhlenbergia, Koeleria cristata, schizachyrium scoparium, Sporolobolus or Stipa.

Pot size : square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot

Picture copyright : Ghislain118, Commons Wikipedia


Customer Reviews

2 Review
  • Plant quality 4

    Posted by Satureja montana ssp. illyrica on Oct 09 2023

    Very healthy looking.

  • Cute! 5

    Posted by Kate on Sep 24 2022

    I planted Purple Winter Savory and Winter Savory in the same planting. (There's more info in the Winter Savory review). They've performed equally well and worked well as low growing groundcovers. Purple Winter Savory is a bit smaller - which makes it SUPER cute. ;)