Spigelia marilandica 'Ragin Cajun' - INDIAN PINK 'RAGIN CAJUN' (richer blooming, orangy-red & more sun tolerant)
Great selection of southeastern native woodland-edge perennial. A bit more compact, 1/3 more flowers and more orange-red flowers (the species has more magenta-red flowers). 'Ragin Cajun' also tolerants more sun and can be planted in full sun (with average moisture).
Tough, heat and humidity tolerant plant. Long-lived clump perennial with somewhat groundcovering growth.
Native Americans (Creek and Cherokee) used the poisonous root to expel intestinal worms.
Blooming Time: early June to mid to late July
Size: 20-24" high x 24" wide
USDA Zones: 5b to 9
Culture: full sun, half shade, shade, dappled to light shade, best if grown in rich soils with some organic material (leafy compost, decaying leaves, fine mulch, compost), but is adaptable to loamy, sandy and clay soil too. This perennial is also fairly drought tolerant, once established. Tolerant to heat and humidity
Moisture Needs: medium-dry, medium, medium-moist
Origin: Selection made by famous plantsman Tony Avent from Plant Delights nursery (Raleigh, NC). Tony found this plant in 2000 while botanizing near St. Francisville in Louisiana. Despite the cultivar name, this is true native wildflower that is clonally propagated (cuttings, divisions).
The species is native to the eastern United States from Maryland to the Florida, and west to Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. Usually found in high quality natural areas in clearings, moist woodlands, edges, bottom land forests, swamp borders, shaded creek banks etc.
Black Walnut Tolerant: yes
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: some butterflies
Attracts Hummingbirds: yes, favorite hummingbird plant
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Plant combination: Spigelia looks great combined with half shade perennials like Chrysogonum virginianum, Geranium maculatum, Heuchera, Iris cristata, Maianthemum, Phlox divaricata or stolonifera, Polemonium reptans, Polygonatum, Stylophorum divaricatum, Tiarella cordifolia or woodland asters, sedges or smaller ferns. Non-native perennial companions will also work fine – Aruncus, Bergenia, Brunnera, Epimedium, hardy Geraniums, Hosta, Hakonechloa, Heucherella, Ligularia, Persicaria, Waldsteinia.
But 'Ragin Cajun' due to it's higher tolerance to sun goes well with majority of common sun loving perennials (for soils with average moisture) - let's mention at least Achilea, Amsonia, Baptisia, Echinacea, tall Phloxes and hybrids, Rudbeckia, and many other plants and medium-sized grasses.
Picture copyright: Walters Gardens

Spigelia marilandica 'Ragin Cajun' - INDIAN PINK 'RAGIN CAJUN' (richer blooming, orangy-red & more sun tolerant)
Great selection of southeastern native woodland-edge perennial. A bit more compact, 1/3 more flowers and more orange-red flowers (the species has more magenta-red flowers). 'Ragin Cajun' also tolerants more sun and can be planted in full sun (with average moisture).
Tough, heat and humidity tolerant plant. Long-lived clump perennial with somewhat groundcovering growth.
Native Americans (Creek and Cherokee) used the poisonous root to expel intestinal worms.
Blooming Time: early June to mid to late July
Size: 20-24" high x 24" wide
USDA Zones: 5b to 9
Culture: full sun, half shade, shade, dappled to light shade, best if grown in rich soils with some organic material (leafy compost, decaying leaves, fine mulch, compost), but is adaptable to loamy, sandy and clay soil too. This perennial is also fairly drought tolerant, once established. Tolerant to heat and humidity
Moisture Needs: medium-dry, medium, medium-moist
Origin: Selection made by famous plantsman Tony Avent from Plant Delights nursery (Raleigh, NC). Tony found this plant in 2000 while botanizing near St. Francisville in Louisiana. Despite the cultivar name, this is true native wildflower that is clonally propagated (cuttings, divisions).
The species is native to the eastern United States from Maryland to the Florida, and west to Missouri, Oklahoma and Texas. Usually found in high quality natural areas in clearings, moist woodlands, edges, bottom land forests, swamp borders, shaded creek banks etc.
Black Walnut Tolerant: yes
Deer/Rabbit Resistant: yes/yes
Attracts Butterflies or Pollinators: some butterflies
Attracts Hummingbirds: yes, favorite hummingbird plant
Pot Size: square 3.5" x 4" deep perennial pot
Plant combination: Spigelia looks great combined with half shade perennials like Chrysogonum virginianum, Geranium maculatum, Heuchera, Iris cristata, Maianthemum, Phlox divaricata or stolonifera, Polemonium reptans, Polygonatum, Stylophorum divaricatum, Tiarella cordifolia or woodland asters, sedges or smaller ferns. Non-native perennial companions will also work fine – Aruncus, Bergenia, Brunnera, Epimedium, hardy Geraniums, Hosta, Hakonechloa, Heucherella, Ligularia, Persicaria, Waldsteinia.
But 'Ragin Cajun' due to it's higher tolerance to sun goes well with majority of common sun loving perennials (for soils with average moisture) - let's mention at least Achilea, Amsonia, Baptisia, Echinacea, tall Phloxes and hybrids, Rudbeckia, and many other plants and medium-sized grasses.
Picture copyright: Walters Gardens
Customer Reviews
Oh my goodness!?
This is a lovely plant with full roots and excellent foliage. The service is fast and plants arrive well packed and perky! I’ve never received a wilted, damaged or dead plant from US PERENNIALS ? This company is just so wonderful! They do things right and I trust them.