Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen' - CHINESE GLOBE FLOWER 'GOLDEN QUEEN' (best for moist soil and cooler spot)
Moisture and a bit cooler weather loving perennial with 2-3" golden-orange flowers in late spring and early summer.
Award of Garden Merit by Royal Horticultural Society.
2-3' tall x 1-1.5' wide clumps, wiry stems, divided dark green leaves. Flowers remind of double buttercup flowers. Relatively slow growing.
Full sun to half shade, average soils to loam, organic rich soil, moderately fertile to fertile. Medium moist, moist or wet soils, moist to wet clay.
Dislikes drought and too much heat. Best with constant moisture.
Hardy in zones 3 to 7.
Deer and rabbit resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Native range is quite wide - from southern Siberia to the southern Russian Far East, Mongolia, Korean and Northern China.
Best in bogs, stream or pond gardens, on moist soils. Combine with perennials like Caltha palustris, Chelone, Filipendula, Hibiscus moscheutos hybrids, moisture loving iris - Iris sibirica, I. ensata, I. pseudata, I x louisiana, Juncus, Lobelia, Lysimachia, Persicaria, Physostegia, Rodgersia, Tradescantia...or grasses like grasses like Carex, Deschampsia, Molinia,
Picture copyright : US Perennials

Trollius chinensis 'Golden Queen' - CHINESE GLOBE FLOWER 'GOLDEN QUEEN' (best for moist soil and cooler spot)
Moisture and a bit cooler weather loving perennial with 2-3" golden-orange flowers in late spring and early summer.
Award of Garden Merit by Royal Horticultural Society.
2-3' tall x 1-1.5' wide clumps, wiry stems, divided dark green leaves. Flowers remind of double buttercup flowers. Relatively slow growing.
Full sun to half shade, average soils to loam, organic rich soil, moderately fertile to fertile. Medium moist, moist or wet soils, moist to wet clay.
Dislikes drought and too much heat. Best with constant moisture.
Hardy in zones 3 to 7.
Deer and rabbit resistant. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.
Native range is quite wide - from southern Siberia to the southern Russian Far East, Mongolia, Korean and Northern China.
Best in bogs, stream or pond gardens, on moist soils. Combine with perennials like Caltha palustris, Chelone, Filipendula, Hibiscus moscheutos hybrids, moisture loving iris - Iris sibirica, I. ensata, I. pseudata, I x louisiana, Juncus, Lobelia, Lysimachia, Persicaria, Physostegia, Rodgersia, Tradescantia...or grasses like grasses like Carex, Deschampsia, Molinia,
Picture copyright : US Perennials