Perennials & Plants For Birds
The best plants to support birds (and other wildlife) are native plants, because they offer berries, seeds, shelter or material for nesting (grasses). Native plants that are not directly feeding birds are useful, because they will host caterpillars and other insects to feed their young.
Blooms and songbirds, that sounds like a really beautiful garden, right? Attracting birds to your yard has more advantages that beauty only, for example Carolina Chickadee - single clutch of four to six chicks will gobble up more than 9.000 caterpillars in the 16 days between when they hatch and when they leave the nest....Grow flowers and birds together!
With the alarming decline of flora and fauna species, it is time to revise our view on gardening and plant also native perennials and plants. One of the best books for an introduction is : Dr. Douglas W Tallamy - Bringing Nature Home. More details are available on Douglas's website